Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am Riotkitte!

Who is Riotkitte?

Riotkitte is an amazingly awesome female in her early 30's who lives in a cornfield and pretends to do science in hopes of someday leaving said cornfield as Dr. Riotkitte.   In reality, she does not like science all that much, but that may be the result of last year PhD-itis.   She has lofty dreams of moving somewhere warm, where snow is non-existent, meeting her prince charming and developing a miracle drug that will both save people and make her and the previously mentioned prince millions.   She will then buy an island and adopt a lot of cats.  A whole lot of cats.  As in enough cats to earn her a spot on Animal Hoarders.

Until then, to pass the time and delay impending insanity, she has begrudgingly taken up running (ran her first 1/2 marathon in October and is training unenthusiastically for her 2nd in April),  is participating in an online craft challenge, Iron Craft, through which she is  producing a plethora of kindergarten grade products, and has adopted two little squabbit babies which are really squabbit ladies being that they are over 5 years old.   Despite their old age or maybe as a result of it, she spends the majority of her free time scooping up poop and hay which they fling out of their cage just to spite her.

Miss Riotkitte also has created a hand written 10 page document on a yellow legal pad in purple ink containing her life to do list.   One item was to run a 1/2 marathon (check!) and another is to blog about her progress in completing her list (check?).

Riotkitte intends to keep this fairly updated with bucket list success stories, tutorials for Iron Crafts and painful recounts of her PhD experience.

But Riotkitte intends to do a lot of things.


  1. this. is. awesome. also, i'm demanding photos of the squabbit ladies.

  2. holy shenanigans follow-up: i have a photo almost exactly like your profile photo and it is my "lovely honey" photo in my office. proof:

    i guess our rock formation was a little smaller.

  3. Will do! They just received a playpen in an effort to curb their destruction, so I now have a bunch of pictures of them attempting to destroy and jailbreak the playpen. My rock wasn't all that big... It's southern Illinois ;)
