1. I am in PhD hell. Boo. My pre-lim is in about a month and a half and I just don't have the patience or motivation to write the approximately 100 page document that needs to be written. Mind you this is while doing experiments, taking 3 classes, interning, etc, etc. I wish this to be over. Now.
2. I had a birthday. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I did visit the boy-who-would-rather-not-be-mentioned in the ATL, which was fun and involved lots of yummy vegan food and sunflowers :) I like sunflowers. I like the ATL (minus the traffic, cars, people, and people driving cars creating the traffic). I like the boy-who-would-rather-not-be-mentioned (ususally). And. I like yummy vegan food.
3. I missed last weeks craft challenge (get lucky) due to a horrible exam on lipid metabolism, the prelim papers and my trip to ATL.
4. I threw something quickly together for this week's challenge: Best of Show. The random assortment of Squabbit belongs strewn about my living room were irritating me.
They spent last week visiting their grandparents and both their grandparents and myself were disturbed that they travel with about 6 "suitcases", while I had 1. So I made the ladies a Science Journal covered LOL style box for a small portion of their things. At least the grandparent maybe more amused next time they visit.
Breifly, I took an office filing box, my favorite adhesive, Krylon Spray Adhesive, newspapered my bathtub (the joy of grad student apartment dwelling) and attached pages of Science (which I "borrowed" from lab) to the box. I touched up the edges with my Hello Kitty glue stick.
5. My brain hurts, I'm PMS-y, and am facing a full day classes and procrastination, which will lead to disappointment and possibly a mini-meltdown tonight, when I have to acknowledge I'm yet another day closer to P-day and not a page farther in my progression. F.
On a positive note (although lame), I'm super looking forward to Grey's tonight. woot. I'll leave the breakdown to after.
The misadventures of a crafty 30-something trying to survive the last year of her PhD program while maintaining most of her sanity.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
The Pee Pee Tee Pee that never was (IC 10- The Fat Quarter)
Being as this is baby week (YAY!) I decided it was necessary to create another baby inspired project. The challenge this week was to use a Fat Quarter of material, which is roughly 18 by 22 inches.
Here are my starting materials
I used a piece of cotton sheet that was left over from backing a quilt and some star transfer iron-ons I picked up on clearance at Walmart a while ago. I am really not allowed to purchase any more craft materials unless absolutely necessary, but I really can't ignore stud-like objects, especially when there are shiny and especially when they are on clearance.
I, of course, left the project until Tuesday night, when I was already in the middle of a full blown anxiety attack slash/hissy fit. In my mind, if I cut out a circle, possibly cut that into triangles...then sewed it all back together. it would make a perfect little cone. Wrong. The fabric was too flimsy... I didn't put enough thought into the actual engineering behind it. I ended up with a flat circle, consisting of 4 triangles sewn together. FAIL
I then decided to quickly re-purpose a random pair of fleece kids pajama pants I had laying around into a Squabbit hammock.
Problem being, I didn't have any chain or grommets, or really anything to attach the hammock to the cage. I tried to use old hoop earrings. The Squabbits each gave it a WTF look... Stolie yanked it down and Belle tried to eat it. EPIC FAIL.
At that point, I was pissed off and had already screamed unnecessarily at everyone I could. So I went to sleep. I came home at one today, thinking I would make a pillow or a little bag or something quickly. I found some thick stretchy cotton material and figured I could make some arm warmers and embellish them.
I cut out a couple of strips in the diameter I needed, for my wrist and upper arm. Cut a Fat Quarter out of the material.
Laid the two strips folded on a folded edge of the material and then connected them, tapering from wrist to upper arm.
Then I sat down to sew. I was going to hem each end and then sew it up. Easy. But my sewing machine decided to be a little bitch and pick a fight with me. I ended up throwing everything on the floor and quitting, decided this week I would not participate in the challenge, being it was already 2pm, I had class at 4 and then had to go to work. Done.
I sat down and wrote up a lab report for this ridiculous 100 level cooking class I have to take as part of my RD degree. That's a whole separate story for another day. I could not stop thinking about the project and how it was almost a personal failure (damn type A personality) if I did not submit something. So at 3:15, I attacked the sewing machine in a flurry of curse words and tears. And ta da!
I was out the door at 3:47. And I made it to class with 1 minute to spare.
Read about this week's challenge here: http://theironcraft.blogspot.com/2011/03/challenge-10-fat-tuesday-in-quarter.html
Oh. I almost forgot. As I said in the beginning, this week was baby week! I'm an Aunty!

Caleb John
Born 2:15pm 3/7/11
7lbs 15oz, 20in
Here are my starting materials

I used a piece of cotton sheet that was left over from backing a quilt and some star transfer iron-ons I picked up on clearance at Walmart a while ago. I am really not allowed to purchase any more craft materials unless absolutely necessary, but I really can't ignore stud-like objects, especially when there are shiny and especially when they are on clearance.
I, of course, left the project until Tuesday night, when I was already in the middle of a full blown anxiety attack slash/hissy fit. In my mind, if I cut out a circle, possibly cut that into triangles...then sewed it all back together. it would make a perfect little cone. Wrong. The fabric was too flimsy... I didn't put enough thought into the actual engineering behind it. I ended up with a flat circle, consisting of 4 triangles sewn together. FAIL
I then decided to quickly re-purpose a random pair of fleece kids pajama pants I had laying around into a Squabbit hammock.

At that point, I was pissed off and had already screamed unnecessarily at everyone I could. So I went to sleep. I came home at one today, thinking I would make a pillow or a little bag or something quickly. I found some thick stretchy cotton material and figured I could make some arm warmers and embellish them.
I cut out a couple of strips in the diameter I needed, for my wrist and upper arm. Cut a Fat Quarter out of the material.
Laid the two strips folded on a folded edge of the material and then connected them, tapering from wrist to upper arm.
Then I sat down to sew. I was going to hem each end and then sew it up. Easy. But my sewing machine decided to be a little bitch and pick a fight with me. I ended up throwing everything on the floor and quitting, decided this week I would not participate in the challenge, being it was already 2pm, I had class at 4 and then had to go to work. Done.
I sat down and wrote up a lab report for this ridiculous 100 level cooking class I have to take as part of my RD degree. That's a whole separate story for another day. I could not stop thinking about the project and how it was almost a personal failure (damn type A personality) if I did not submit something. So at 3:15, I attacked the sewing machine in a flurry of curse words and tears. And ta da!
I was out the door at 3:47. And I made it to class with 1 minute to spare.
Read about this week's challenge here: http://theironcraft.blogspot.com/2011/03/challenge-10-fat-tuesday-in-quarter.html
Oh. I almost forgot. As I said in the beginning, this week was baby week! I'm an Aunty!

Caleb John
Born 2:15pm 3/7/11
7lbs 15oz, 20in
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Officially too old for Unofficial (maybe)
So once upon a time, here in cornfield land, St. Patty's Day fell during spring break. This made the bar owners very very sad. So they decided to create another St. Patty's Day... Unofficial St. Patty's Day. St. Patty's Day is no longer during spring break, but Unofficial has become a random green drunken holiday on this campus. Not that I need a excuse to drink. It's more that I need to justify my drinking. So today, this is my justification for drinking beer at 3pm on a Friday.
I did make my friends and cutesy little buttons to commemorate the occasion:

I did make my friends and cutesy little buttons to commemorate the occasion:
Even though this is another one of my wonderful kindergarten craft masterpieces... here's a play by play:
1. I found a pattern online and printed it out:
2. I have a ton of green felt left over from the turtle shell I made to run the 1/2 marathon. A turtle. In a race. Get it? Get it? OMG I'm so creative and cute. Any way... I put said green felt to use, cutting 2 shamrocks for each pin:

3. Using a backstitch, I embroidered "UO" for UnOfficial, and 2011 on one shamrock of each set.
4. I then stitched the sides together using a running stitch... adding a piece of gold pipe cleaner for the stems.
My friends were great sports and wore their pins proudly, even though they were probably thinking (1. She's totally losing it. and 2. And she wonders why she never gets her research done??) :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I just do my thing... IC9
This week's craft challenge was an Oscar/Movie Theme. I went pretty literal, instead of doing an inspiration piece. I decided I wanted to do some sort of mixed media possibly with a movie quote or actress. At first I was fixated on one of my fav. movies, Empire Records, so I'm not sure how I ended up with Audrey Hepburn.
So the first step was to clean off the craft table:
Which I did and then almost in one fluid motion cleaned off my desk, moving the contents on to the now spotless craft table. Fail. About three days later, I revisited the table cleaning project and moved everything back to the desk, which still has yet to be dealt with.
The next step in this project was to choose a picture.
And the fun part of putting it all together:
Final Result:
After I was pretty much finished... the boy-who-would-rather-not-be-mentioned suggested I make this in to a multi-paneled piece, using women in my life that are my icons. I didn't have time this week. There's only so much I can procrastinate. But someday, I hope to add a couple of panels of women who encouraged me to "do my thing". (Hey mom, scan and me a picture.)
Read more about Iron Craft Challenge 9 here: http://theironcraft.blogspot.com/2011/02/challenge-9-and-oscar-goes-to_24.html
See all the fabulous IC9 projects here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1525156@N25/
So the first step was to clean off the craft table:
Which I did and then almost in one fluid motion cleaned off my desk, moving the contents on to the now spotless craft table. Fail. About three days later, I revisited the table cleaning project and moved everything back to the desk, which still has yet to be dealt with.
The next step in this project was to choose a picture.
And then I painted the base:
I added a coat of glitter "paint" over the edges..which isn't really paint at all...more like mucus with glitter mixed in.
Next was picking out the embellishments: One of my personal Challenges with the Iron Craft Challenge, is too keep purchases to a minimum and to use up my craft stash. So far I've only bought some beans to use as filler for I think it was IC2. Here I found some Mardi Gras beads, some seed beads I picked up for clearance at target probably at least 5 years ago and some trim that was in a Free Cycle box.
And the fun part of putting it all together:
Final Result:
After I was pretty much finished... the boy-who-would-rather-not-be-mentioned suggested I make this in to a multi-paneled piece, using women in my life that are my icons. I didn't have time this week. There's only so much I can procrastinate. But someday, I hope to add a couple of panels of women who encouraged me to "do my thing". (Hey mom, scan and me a picture.)
Read more about Iron Craft Challenge 9 here: http://theironcraft.blogspot.com/2011/02/challenge-9-and-oscar-goes-to_24.html
See all the fabulous IC9 projects here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1525156@N25/
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