Here are my starting materials

I used a piece of cotton sheet that was left over from backing a quilt and some star transfer iron-ons I picked up on clearance at Walmart a while ago. I am really not allowed to purchase any more craft materials unless absolutely necessary, but I really can't ignore stud-like objects, especially when there are shiny and especially when they are on clearance.
I, of course, left the project until Tuesday night, when I was already in the middle of a full blown anxiety attack slash/hissy fit. In my mind, if I cut out a circle, possibly cut that into triangles...then sewed it all back together. it would make a perfect little cone. Wrong. The fabric was too flimsy... I didn't put enough thought into the actual engineering behind it. I ended up with a flat circle, consisting of 4 triangles sewn together. FAIL
I then decided to quickly re-purpose a random pair of fleece kids pajama pants I had laying around into a Squabbit hammock.

At that point, I was pissed off and had already screamed unnecessarily at everyone I could. So I went to sleep. I came home at one today, thinking I would make a pillow or a little bag or something quickly. I found some thick stretchy cotton material and figured I could make some arm warmers and embellish them.
I cut out a couple of strips in the diameter I needed, for my wrist and upper arm. Cut a Fat Quarter out of the material.
Laid the two strips folded on a folded edge of the material and then connected them, tapering from wrist to upper arm.
Then I sat down to sew. I was going to hem each end and then sew it up. Easy. But my sewing machine decided to be a little bitch and pick a fight with me. I ended up throwing everything on the floor and quitting, decided this week I would not participate in the challenge, being it was already 2pm, I had class at 4 and then had to go to work. Done.
I sat down and wrote up a lab report for this ridiculous 100 level cooking class I have to take as part of my RD degree. That's a whole separate story for another day. I could not stop thinking about the project and how it was almost a personal failure (damn type A personality) if I did not submit something. So at 3:15, I attacked the sewing machine in a flurry of curse words and tears. And ta da!
I was out the door at 3:47. And I made it to class with 1 minute to spare.
Read about this week's challenge here:
Oh. I almost forgot. As I said in the beginning, this week was baby week! I'm an Aunty!

Caleb John
Born 2:15pm 3/7/11
7lbs 15oz, 20in
Good job on the arm warmers and congrats on being an Aunty!! He's adorable!