I did make my friends and cutesy little buttons to commemorate the occasion:
Even though this is another one of my wonderful kindergarten craft masterpieces... here's a play by play:
1. I found a pattern online and printed it out:
2. I have a ton of green felt left over from the turtle shell I made to run the 1/2 marathon. A turtle. In a race. Get it? Get it? OMG I'm so creative and cute. Any way... I put said green felt to use, cutting 2 shamrocks for each pin:

3. Using a backstitch, I embroidered "UO" for UnOfficial, and 2011 on one shamrock of each set.
4. I then stitched the sides together using a running stitch... adding a piece of gold pipe cleaner for the stems.
My friends were great sports and wore their pins proudly, even though they were probably thinking (1. She's totally losing it. and 2. And she wonders why she never gets her research done??) :)
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